Associated Feature(s):
- FEA010 - Track telephone calls/notes to customer files.
Within a Customer record it is possible to add notes along with incoming and outgoing telephone calls. On the shortcut bar along the top you have the notes, outbound call and inbound call buttons as highlighted below.

Clicking on either the inbound or outbound call button displays a similar interface to allow you to record details of the call. These details include who the call was to/from

The time and duration of the call

And details about the call and any actions taken

You can also create a follow-up event for yourself or others. For information on Follow-ups, please see the follow-ups help centre article (OB023)

As with telephone calls, you can also add notes to customers using the note button on the customer record

You can then use the History tab to search for "All Communications" to view calls and notes associated with the Customer in question