OB102 - Determine shipping/collection points for field-based pickup

Associated Feature(s):

FEA076 - Determine shipping/collection points for field-based pickup.

To configure a new Shipping Collection Point go to the Inventory section, expand the Categories bar and select "Shipping Collection Point".This feature allows Inventory to be moved to a Personnel via a Shipping Collection Point so that it can be collected by the Personnel en route. Inventory will be moved to the field person in the normal way, except that an interim location is required where the field person may collect it. 

Clicking the + icon in the top right will allow you to create a new Shipping Collection Point address


Once the Shipping Collection Point details have been entered and saved, you need to assign the shipping point to Personnel members who will use this location to collect Inventory. This can be done in the Personnel record under the Collection Points tab.

Click Add and select the required Shipping Point

Once the Shipping Collection Point has been assigned to the Personnel member, it can be selected as the delivery location on Inventory Requests from the Personnel.

And Purchase Orders