Same site allocation

The same site allocation prompt is available from within a job when utilising the edit action feature to manually allocate the job.

On completion of the allocation (should other jobs be available for allocation) a pop-up box will display and allow selection.

1.1.    Parameter

First, the parameter must be set against the job category to enable the same site allocation prompt to be visible.

Note you may also need to check with the service desk that within the system company’s parameter 3 database table that the flag is set to enable this feature.

1.1.    Manual Job Allocation

To manually allocate a job

Within the job activity, a right mouse click will open an options box

Select ‘Edit Action’


Click on the personnel … Selection

This will open a further box

Use these filters to select the required personnel

Once completed

Select ok the following box will pop up should further jobs be available for allocation

Select the jobs you wish to allocate to the same personnel

Select ok

This will proceed to allocate the selected job and automatically update their status

The example below shows this job is now allocated

The job will move into the stack for that personnel within the planner.