A brief outline of the minimum data requirements and a checklist to help you identify how these apply to you.
Indicates a feature is only available in Standard or above.
Indicates a feature is only available in Enterprise.
Minimum Requirements
This is entirely dependent upon your intended use. In some cases, this may be very little. For example. If you have jobs that you do for customers that you know already, you may wish to load up your customer list. If your customers are predominantly new to you, e.g. consumers, you may wish to enter this information during the initial call/job creation. If you work for internal people only, you may only want a list of contacts. Similarly, you may have defined part codes and prefer to load up the entire parts list into the system for ready use.
NOTE: If you have existing data, it can be imported using the in-built data import tool. For more information on importing data into Solarvista, please refer to the article here.
Setup Checklist
The following series of questions will help you decide what data needs to be setup:
- If you always know your customers or sites in advance, or you intend to automatically generate billing, you may wish to setup this data:
- Customers
- Sites
- Contacts
- If you plan to record parts used or parts requested by using predefined part numbers, or wish to automatically compute part pricing on billing:
- Products
- Product Categories
- Suppliers
- Manufacturers
- If you store information about assets or equipment that you provide a service upon:
- Equipment
- If you have predefined service levels:
- Service Levels
- Service Levels
- And if they are validated by pre-paid Agreements:
- Agreements
- Agreements
- If you wish to assign skills & qualifications to your mobile operatives, or territories that they cover, to assist with finding the right person when assigning Jobs:
- Skills
- Territories
- Qualifications
- Certifications
- Skills
- If you wish to track collate information about breakdowns and the actions taken to fix, then there are several files to hold codes:
- Problems
- Causes
- Symptoms
- Resolutions
- If you wish to record non-working time for both customers and your mobile operatives:
- Opening Hours
- Shift Patterns
- Rosters
- Opening Hours
- If you wish to generate billing automatically:
- Tax Rates
- Pricing Policies
- If you have teams of mobile operatives:
- Teams
- And finally, if you have multiple offices or locations:
- Offices/Depots