Signing in via the Mobile App

How to sign in using your unique credentials to access your connected accounts.

To sign in via the mobile app to live connected accounts, you will need to have received an invitation email which you then accepted.

To sign in:

  1. When the mobile app is first launched, you will be presented with two options as in the screen below:
  2. Tap on the “Sign In” button (not the “Try the Demo Mode”) button.
  3. The page will update to offer all available authentication providers (e.g. Microsoft or Google).
  4. Tap on your desired method of signing in (this should be the same provider as you originally accepted your invitation to become a user with).
  5. The first screen presented is the “Account & Organisations” page. This page allows selection of an account to connect to.
  6. Tap on the Continue button at the bottom of the screen. The screen will display the Work Item List page.

Continue the Using the Mobile App section with Navigating the Mobile App.